Trick-or-treating, costumes, parties and spooky decorations all signify that October is coming to a close and it is time to celebrate Halloween! Having a scary time on Halloween is all part of the fun, but it is important to keep in mind some of the real dangers that may exist as you partake in the festivities. Following the recommendations below can help to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable evening.

Trick or Treating Safely

  • A responsible adult should accompany children at all times
  • Have older children, who are not with adults, go in groups
  • Use glow sticks and/or flashlights to increase visibility
  • Remain in well-lit areas, and only cross the street at crosswalks

For Motorists

  • Avoid passing through residential areas on Halloween if possible
  • Go extra slow in areas where trick or treaters may be present
  • Watch for excited children darting into the street
  • Do not drive while wearing a costume that may obstruct your vision or mobility

Handing Out Treats

  • Keep walkways clear, and well lit
  • Avoid using candles or other open flames that could create fire hazards
  • Keep pets contained, as some children may be afraid
  • Consider treat choices that are unlikely to cause choking hazards, and allergen free

ATL would like to wish everyone a happy, safe and Spook-tacular Halloween!