1-hour presentation is a brief introduction to concrete NDT methods. Different NDT methods outlined in ACI 228.2, Report on Nondestructive Test Methods for Evaluation of Concrete Structures, are presented and discussed, focusing on the more popular stress wave methods, such as impact echo, sonic/ultrasonic echo, impulse response, and ultrasonic pulse velocity. Stress wave theory and wave propagation are discussed, in addition to the application to NDT methods. The presentation concludes with a discussion about using NDT methods to estimate concrete strength.
Steve Moore, Senior Engineer for Atlantic Testing Laboratories, holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Clarkson University, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in New York, Massachusetts, and Vermont. He has over 14 years of experience with nondestructive testing (NDT) of construction materials, monitoring of construction vibrations, pre- and post-construction condition surveys, and field and laboratory quality assurance/quality control testing of construction materials.
For information about nondestructive test methods, contact Steve Moore, PE, at 518-373-9144 or SMoore@atlantictesting.com.
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If you are interested in arranging a seminar, please call Zach Short at 518-383-9144 or ZShort@atlantictesting.com.