Many things tend to slow down in the winter, but not so with drilling!  Winter can be a great time for accessing challenging areas.  Sites that, in other times of year, might present access problems become accessible with the presence of frozen ground and wet areas.  The access benefits can range from simply less surficial disturbance to avoidance of becoming stuck.  Also, there are some sites that can simply not be accessed at any other time of year but winter, such as swampy or agricultural areas.

Sure, there are limitations to winter drilling.  There are cold temperatures and frigid winds that can hamper drilling for a day or two.  And, if water is being used in the drilling process, freezing of that water needs to be a consideration.  But, if nothing else, our experienced drill crews are resourceful.  Along with the use of our ATV drill rigs and support vehicles, most winter challenges can be overcome.

Winter time has historically been a busy time of the year for drilling work as designs are being worked on for the spring construction season.  For more information on drilling/subsurface investigation services, contact Tim Gavin, at 315-386-4578 or