Atlantic Testing Laboratories (ATL) started 2022 off with a very successful Winter webinar series that provided Professional Development Hour (PDH) credits for Professional Engineers, Professional Geologists, and Registered Architects.

We presented 6 webinars to nearly 800 attendees. The webinars covered the following topics:

  • Role of Laboratory Testing in Geotechnical Engineering
  • Concrete Investigations and Case Studies
  • Importance and Advantages of a Thorough Hazardous Materials Design
  • Introduction to Concrete Nondestructive Test (NDT) Methods
  • Air Void Systematics of Hardened Concrete
  • Petrographic Analysis of Concrete

ATL has provided continuing education seminars for PDH credit since 2006. The seminars are intended to provide participants with an understanding of technical topics.  Attendees are eligible to receive NYS accredited PDH credits that are widely accepted for various licenses and certifications.

We will resume this series in the Fall!  Stay tuned for more information or contact Zach Short at 518-383-9144 or