ATL has recently installed the ForneyVault® System on the laboratory compression machine at its Albany division, as part of a pilot program. The program will be evaluated for improvements to productivity, quality, data/specimen management, and reporting for concrete, masonry, and grout compressive and flexural strength testing.

The ForneyVault® System is an automated compression and flexural testing and reporting system. The system includes individually printed barcode labels, placed on specimens as they are received in the laboratory, which are then scanned at the time of testing. After placing the specimens in the compression machine, the system automatically applies the force at the predetermined ASTM load rates, then calculates the strength and sends the results directly to our LIMS system. In addition to improvements to data quality and productivity, the results are immediately available for review and transmittal to our clients and notifications of anomalies or low compressive strengths are sent to project managers and quality assurance staff for analysis. Upon completion of the pilot program, ATL plans to install the system at two more divisions this year, with the rest following in 2024.