Click the following link to view the PDF of this paper: Minimum Requirements for Reducing SWPPP Inspection Frequency During Winter Shutdown

Kasey J. Garrand, IG
Senior Project Manager
Atlantic Testing Laboratories

As earthwork activities are suspended due to winter conditions, construction sites in New York State covered under NYSDEC SPDES General Permit (GP-0-20-001) may enter a temporary suspension of construction activity. There is a specific procedure for temporary suspension of construction activity due to winter shutdown.

For construction sites where soil disturbance activities have been suspended (i.e., Winter Shutdown), temporary stabilization measures have been applied to disturbed areas, and temporary stormwater controls are properly installed, the frequency of the Qualified Inspector inspections can be reduced to once every 30 calendar days. If straw mulch alone is used for temporary stabilization, it shall be applied at double the standard rate of 2 tons per acre, making the application rate 4 tons per acre. Other manufactured mulches should also be applied at double the manufacturer’s recommended rate.

Prior to reducing the frequency of inspections, the Owner/Operator must notify the NYSDEC Regional Contact (specified in the project specific SWPPP or Appendix F in the General Permit) in writing that the project has entered temporary suspension. Refer to Standards and Specifications for Winter Stabilization, found on page 2.38 of the New York State Standards and Specification for Erosion and Sediment Control (NYSDEC Blue Book) for additional information pertaining to winter stabilization.

Weekly inspection must resume when soil disturbance activity restarts, or if a permit violation occurs during the temporary suspension period. A temporary shutdown can be initiated throughout the year due to various reasons and is not limited to suspension of earthwork specific to winter conditions.

ATL, a WBE certified company, can assist you with your SWPPP needs anywhere in New York State.

For more information, contact Kasey Garrand, IG at, or visit