ATL attended the Solar and Energy Storage Northeast conference in Boston, MA on February 23rd and 24th.  Over 300 companies and 100 exhibitors were present this year.  RE+ Northeast is powered by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA).  The conference brings together buyers and suppliers in solar and energy storage to explore business solutions, new technologies, policy initiatives, and other market factors.

One of the services ATL offers is ASTM D5334 Thermal Resistivity Testing, which measures the capacity of the ground to conduct or dissipate heat.  Tests are performed to support the design of buried electrical transmission projects and can be done on a variety of materials and sample types, including rock, concrete, fluidized thermal backfill (FTB), and intact or remolded soil specimens.  ATL has provided these services on projects throughout the United States.

To learn more about our Thermal Resistivity Testing services, click here.  To discuss your specific project needs, contact Royce Knowlton at 585-427-9020 or