ATL is proud to announce it is the first laboratory in the nation to receive accreditation for performing ASTM D5334 Standard Test Method for Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Soil and Rock by Thermal Needle Probe Procedure from AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials). ATL demonstrated proficiency in this test method during an AASHTO site audit, leading to a recommendation and approval for accreditation. ATL has been accredited for numerous construction materials test methods for over 20 years.

The ASTM D5334 test method outlines the test procedure for determining the thermal conductivity of intact soil specimens, reconstituted soil specimens, and rock specimens. This test method provides critical information for design and construction of underground utilities as part of key infrastructure and energy projects, such as solar fields, wind farms, battery storage, and data centers.

For more information on Thermal Conductivity Testing services, contact Royce Knowlton at 585-427-9020 or Also, view our visit our website to learn more about these and other services here.