ATL recently sent four engineers to Cleveland, Ohio to participate in a three-day training course offered by Pile Dynamics, Inc.  Brian Barnes, PE, Ryan Graham, PE, Matt Trodler, IE, and Austin Gentile attended and received a certificate of training in the operation of “Pile Driving Analyzer ® (PDA-8G) system, CAPWAP and PDA-S software”.  ATL encourages and supports continual education to learn and grow through certification, training, webinars, conferences, etc.

ATL can perform ASTM D4945 Standard Test Method for High Strain Dynamic Testing of piles and has over 15 years of experience in providing testing and analysis of driven piles.  ATL meets the NYSDOT experience requirements for Dynamic Pile Monitoring.  The service has been led by Brian Barnes since ATL began providing it.  For more information, contact Brian Barnes, PE, at 315-735-3309,, or visit