Next week is National Engineers week! Every year The New York State Society of Professional Engineers (NYSSPE) holds recognition events, and this year we have been invited to present in The Capital District’s 42nd Celebration of National Engineers Week Webinar Series. The series takes place on February 17th and 18th from 8AM – 4PM, with 45 total webinars offered. We will be giving the following two presentations:

Corrosion of Embedded Steel in Hardened Concrete
Dr. Chris Kelson, PhD, PG (Senior Geologist)
Steve Moore, PE (Senior Engineer)
February 17th, 9:30AM – 10:30AM

The Role of Laboratory Testing in Geotechnical Engineering
Brian Barnes, PE (Senior Engineer)
February 17th, 3PM – 4PM

To register for the event, click here. We hope to see you there!