ATL’s Don Sipher, PE Presents to RPI ASCE Student Chapter

Nov 10, 2020 | General News, Recruiting Events

Don Sipher, PE Vice PresidentATL’s Vice President Donald Sipher, PE, recently presented virtually to a group of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute student members of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Don’s presentation covered ATL’s history, service areas, culture, and with a large focus on representative projects ATL has completed over the years. As our world changes the ways in which we can meet students looking for internships/coops and future employment, ATL is partnering with colleges and universities to find new ways and platforms to connect.

If you have an event or opportunity you would like ATL to present at, please contact Don at 518-383-9144 or email DSipher@atlantictesting.


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