Technical Papers
Click the links below to view the PDF:
- CAMP Monitoring
- Chemical-Petroleum Bulk Storage Regulatory Revisions in New York State
- Common Applications for Site-Specific Variances
- Importance of Hazardous Materials Abatement Design
- Importance of Phase I ESA on Large Land Tracts
- Incidental Disturbances of Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)
- Loose-Fill Vermiculite, Asbestos Surveys, and Incidental Disturbances
- Mercury in Flooring
- Mold Assessment and Remediation in New York State
- Mold in Basements
- New York State Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56 Asbestos Survey Exemption Clarifications
- Options for Controlled Demolition with Asbestos In-Place
- PCB in Caulk
- PFAS in New York State
- PFAS in Recycled Asphalt and Concrete Pavements
- Soil Excavation and Reuse as Fill Material Under a Pre-determined Beneficial Use
- When to Perform an Abatement Design
- Understanding Lead Regulations for Building Alterations and/or Demolition
Building and Site Inspections
- Using Ultrasonic Testing to Evaluate Concrete Exposed to Fire
- Vibration Monitoring & Building Condition Surveys for Construction
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- Inspection for SWPPP Conformance on Construction Sites
- Minimum Requirements for Reducing SWPPP Inspection Frequency During Winter Shutdown
- Defining SWPPP Phasing and Sequencing Plans
Construction Materials Engineering and Testing
- Atterberg Limits of Fine-Grained Soils
- Benefits of Dynamically Testing Driven Piles
- Carbonation of Concrete and Oxidation of Embedded Steel
- Common Methods for Forensic Evaluation of Concrete Structures
- Concrete Deterioration by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR)
- Concrete Shrinkage and Cracks
- Concrete Slab Delamination
- Corrosion of Buried Concrete and Steel Structures
- Engineering Significance of Concrete Aggregate Tests
- Entrained Air Void System to Reduce Concrete Freeze-Thaw Damage to Concrete
- Estimating In-Place Concrete Strength – Rebound Hammer and Windsor Probe
- Expansive Pyritic Shale – A Geotechnical Concern
- Hot Weather Concrete
- Infiltration Testing for Stormwater Management Design
- Laboratory Evaluation of Expansive Soils
- NYSDOT Implementation of Performance Engineered Concrete Mixtures
- Practices for Field and Laboratory Evaluation of Thermal Resistivity
- Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Projects
- Testing Programs to Support Parking Garage Evaluations
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