ATL recently received accreditation for performing ASTM C457 – Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of Parameters of the Air-Void System in Hardened Concrete from AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials).  ATL demonstrated proficiency in this test method to a CCRL (Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory) audit team, leading to a recommendation for accreditation.  ATL has been accredited for several additional concrete test methods for over 20 years.

The ASTM C457 test method outlines and describes the optimal air void system parameters recommended for hardened concrete to best resist freeze-thaw damage.  This test method can help estimate the likelihood of damage to hardened concrete due to cyclic freezing and thawing, making it a valuable and important tool for both forensic investigations of deteriorating concrete, as well as quality-control of fresh concrete. 

ATL becomes one of only 26 laboratories nation-wide with this accreditation.  For more information on concrete investigative services, contact Dr. Christopher Kelson, PhD, PG, at 315-386-4578 or