Weekly MeetingLike many companies across the country and the world, ATL quickly implemented numerous initiatives to ensure that there were little to no hurdles as we adapted our business practices to maintain continuity of services. Our first initiative was to get the majority our staff up and running from home. Once settled, we returned to our typical meeting schedules using Zoom and GoToMeeting. Leadership also added Friday update meetings during the stay-at-home order to keep everyone informed as to the state of the company, which are still being held even as most of our staff have returned to the offices.

As part of the re-opening, our Safety staff provided virtual trainings to ensure staff knew the protocols upon returning to the office and working on project sites. We have also moved our New Employee Orientation to Zoom and new employees are completing the OSHA 10-Hour online.

As we move forward, we will be offering our Professional Development Hours seminars that are accredited through the Practicing Institute of Engineering, Inc. We have learned throughout this crisis that our employees are adaptable and truly committed to their work. We are analyzing what initiatives to keep as we move ahead in our new normal.