As we are all part of our local communities, school related safety for children and adults must be an area of focus now as many students are transitioning back to in-person classes this fall. This means there will be a few things that we need to keep an eye on when out on the roadways that we haven’t encountered in about a year:
- Students walking near or on the roads, especially in areas close to schools, as some children will walk/bike to school
- Increased traffic in school zones, especially in the morning (7-8AM) and afternoon (2-3PM) when drop-off and pick-ups happen.
- Buses will be returning to their routes with the reminder that it is New York State law for traffic in both directions to stop at least 20 feet away from the bus when it has its red lights flashing and its stop sign extended.
- On two-lane roads, the bus driver may direct students to cross the street to board the bus. Pay attention to both sides of the road for students or adults.
- School zone speed limits will go back into effect during school hours (generally 7AM-6PM), and can range from 5 mph to 25 mph.
- General increase of awareness of what is going on around you and eliminate distracted driving.
Many of these routines and regulations have been on hold due to COVID-19, but now that school is back in session it is important to keep these in mind as we all head back out on the road.