With the shorter days of fall and winter upon us, the occurrence of drowsy driving becomes more of a concern. To promote awareness of the dangers of drowsy driving, ATL is participating in Drowsy Driving Prevention Week sponsored by the National Sleep Foundation.

Research indicates that drowsy driving is likely the primary cause in roughly 20 percent of all vehicle crashes that result in fatalities. If you notice any of the following signs of drowsy driving you should look for the next available opportunity to stop and rest:

  • Frequent yawning or feelings of dozing off
  • Tired or droopy eyes or an increase in blinking
  • Drifting into other lanes or hitting “rumble strips” on the road
  • Inability to remember the last few miles
  • Difficulty maintaining proper speed

How can you avoid drowsy driving?

  • Plan ahead to limit total driving hours
  • Avoid driving during the drowsiest times of day (midnight to 6 am and early afternoon)
  • Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep per night, especially the night before a long drive
  • Avoid alcohol and medications that may cause drowsiness
  • Travel with a companion whenever possible

Remember to plan ahead. A good night’s sleep is the best protection against drowsy driving.