The month of March is recognized by the American Ladder Institute (ALI) and the National Safety Council (NSC) as National Ladder Safety Month.

Ladder safety month is designed to raise awareness of ladder safety both in the workplace and at home.  Ladders are very often taken for granted, because they are so commonly used for both work and personal projects.  The ultimate goal of ladder safety month is to decrease injuries and fatalities that are caused by improper use of a ladder.

This is being accomplished through social media posts, articles, and email communication in order to spread the word about ladder safety.  This targeted communication focuses on the four topics listed below:

  • Choosing your ladder
  • Safety Before the First Step (Inspection and Set-Up)
  • Safety While Climbing
  • Safety at the Top

ATL will participate by communicating the importance of ladder safety throughout the company, and ensuring that all employees are trained in the proper use of ladders, both on the job, and at home.  For more information on ladder safety month, follow the link below.

National Ladder Safety Month